Joy and a Full Heart

For Shirley and Stephen Teglas, Chaminade is both family and friends. Sons Cole '20 and Chase '25 had such positive experiences at Chaminade that the couple was inspired to include the school in their estate plans.
"We knew we wanted to give back and show our profound gratitude for everything Chaminade has done for our family," said Shirley.
Son Cole was involved in baseball from the sixth grade through graduation. He and his friends played baseball together, attended retreats together, went through Covid together, and graduated together. These friendships have now lasted long after graduation.
Son Chase, presently in his senior year, has been involved in the performing arts at both the middle and high school. As a drama and choir member, Chase has developed his confidence and sense of self under the leadership of "amazing teachers and directors."
As Shirley says, "Chaminade has given Cole and Chase an exceptional Catholic education in an environment that is safe and nurturing while providing outstanding opportunities. Chaminade has provided them with an education centered around faith and family."
The Teglas family would like other families to experience these opportunities as well. They believe that by giving to future generations of Chaminade students they can help change the world. By leaving a specific amount in their will to Chaminade, the couple became members of Chaminade's Eagle Heritage Society which recognizes and stewards donors who have left Chaminade in their estate plans.
And perhaps most importantly, making their planned gift has already had its own personal rewards. Among these benefits are "joy and a full heart," Shirley explained. For information on your options for planned giving, please contact the Chaminade Office of Advancement.